The Center for Resilience
focuses one empowering people, such as youth, to empower oneself. This is practiced through expressing
mindfulness whether they are in a classroom as a student, a teacher, a
community or even a workplace. Being
mindful is very important especially when working with youth and teaching the
ways of mindfulness is also crucial.
The mission statement for the
Center for Resilience is as follows;
Center for Resilience
seeks to empower people to empower themselves through the practice of
mindfulness which fosters success in the classroom, community and workplace.
Our trained staff, tailored curriculum,
interactive workshops, and online resources help children and adults manage
stress, overcome obstacles, cultivate compassion and thrive through adversity –
outcomes that benefit both the individual and society as a whole.
The video that I watched was the Evolution High School and Center for Resilience. Students gave his or her testimonials on the program. I really enjoyed this video simply for the fact of encouraging the youth to take control of how they feel. Empowering students to focusing on relaxing rather than behaving or reacting negatively. Students in this school are taught relaxing exercises to help them focus and be calm. I find this really empowering and amazing that students are being taught this. Students, although they are not adults with everyday struggles, face stress and anxiety is more ways than one. Meditation should be implemented into every school day so students do not face stress.
Students are taught resiliency to not only relax but to also help them to achieve more effectively. As a student, no matter what age, sometimes it is hard to truly focus, we get sidetracked and completely go off the grid of what we were supposed to be doing. In the Center for Resilience students are taught how to redirect themselves after doing another tasks off track. This not only teaches empowerment but also teaches leadership as well. Today as a youth worker it is important and powerful to teach youth that they can be leaders in his or her own way.